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Thessaloniki Family Chiropractic Life Center
Family Chiropractic Life Center ThessalonĂ­ki


Chiropractic is Safe

Happy People SmilingBoth drug-free and non-invasive, chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest forms of health care. Although no health care procedure is without some risk, chiropractic care has consistently been shown to be among the lowest risk of any health care procedure, especially when considering the large number of visits made to chiropractors each year.

Some of the facts related to the safety of chiropractic include:

  • Scientific studies published in medical journals have shown that a visit to a chiropractor carries the same risk as a visit to a general practitioner.
  • Neck adjusting is a specific procedure that does not damage neck tissues according to several studies.
  • The percentage of the population under chiropractic care is less likely to suffer severe issues than those under other forms of health care.
  • Malpractice insurance for Doctors of Chiropractic is much less expensive than that for an MD or specialist.

Doctors of Chiropractic have been trained to understand the benefits and risks associated with chiropractic care. This training helps assure patents the highest level of professional care with the lowest possible risks.

The following reports and studies can help provide perspective and answer questions:


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